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ṁ Atelier

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Portrait of the late Dr. Kem Githui

A new painting series addressing loneliness. Because growing up sucks... but sucks a little less when you're not alone.

Currently at the Boulder School of Fine Arts

Recent projects

2021 & 2022



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Thank you for visiting the studio page!

I'm , "m-dot" (Muriithi-David Kem), a mechanical engineer at Sierra Space and artist based in Boulder, Colorado. I work along side Rebmanth to build this online gallery that you are all hopefully enjoying. My body of work consists of drawings, classical master studies and copies, academic atelier figure drawing, portrait  paintings, experimental pop art and a few landscapes. I'm currently training to master classical drawing at the Boulder School of Fine Arts. Check out the store or the patreon page if you would like to support the studio and we shall be forever grateful!  

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